You must have a referral from your family doctor.

To make a booking please contact us by phone, fax , online or by email

We will need you to send us a copy of your referral to initiate the booking process. This can be by email, fax, multimedia text or in person.


Fax: (03) 9497 1713

Upon receiving your referral, our friendly front office team member will contact you to go through a few standard medical questionaires.
This is to confirm your requested procedure and to assess if you need to attend a pre anaesthetic check up with our doctors.
Medically fit patients can be booked directly to have your procedure ( ie open access endoscopy ). You can however request to have a consultation with our specialist before the day of the procedure.
Please understand that we will not be able to book an appointment without a valid referral.
Once a procedure booking has been made, the admission form and preparation instructions for the procedure will be sent through email or mail. You can also download them from our website.
All completed forms need to be returned to our office a week prior to your appointment date You will receive a sms reminder of your appointment.
Please notify us promptly if you wish to cancel or postpone your appointment. Cancellation charges apply.

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide services for:

  • Patients who do not have a valid Medicare card including reciprocal card or who are overseas residents
  • Patients who are under the age of 18, or over 90 years of age.
  • Patients with high risk medical conditions.
  • Patients who are not ambulatory.
  • WorkCover patients.
  • Department of Veteran Affairs patients.


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+1555 6761 020


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+1777 6761 050

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